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New York Party Psychics NYC Palm Readers

Looking for fun and unusual party entertainment? Our party psychics make any event extra special. From light hearted and theatrical fortune-tellers to those "psychics" who bring a more serious touch, we've got the party entertainment you need.

Now, the psychics we book out are for entertainment purposes only! They can't really give you next week's winning lottery numbers ... well, I suppose they could, but the odds are pretty long.

A psychic is a great addtion to a Sweet-16, engagement party, or any other type of adult gathering.

Our psychic entertainers present Tarot Cards, Palm Reading, Tea Leaves and other specious forms of divination. You'll be blown away by our party psychic shows.

If you're party is in New York City, give us a call at my office.

Book your party soon ... our psychic entertainers book up fast!


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