Harry Potter is a wonderful wizard and makes for a terrific theme party. Plan a magic-themed party around the adventures of Harry Potter and add a magic show to make it a fun-filled party for all.
My magic show is perfect for kid's parties - especially magic-themed or wizard-themed parties. To be clear, Harry Potter is a trademarked character and no legitimate business owner would dare to promote a Harry Potter show - my magic show is a perfect complement to such a theme party.
When you're planning a birthday party on Long Island and you're expecting a house full of kids you want to have great entertainment to keep the kids happy. My hour-long birthday party magic show features a combination of amazing magic tricks plus silly juggling, puppetry, and more.
I perform my magic show all over Long Island including Nassau County in Suffolk County. My show can be presented at house parties or party venues such as catering halls, banquet rooms, private party rooms, and family restaurants. The show has a variety of different formats but the most popular is the hour-long format. Generally, people will invite kids to the party and give them about half an hour to show up before my show begins.