Long ago, birthday parties in Rye were a simple thing. When it was your child's birthday you'd make a cake and invite some of the kids from the block to drop by after lunch. You'd gift wrap a few practical items and a toy you spotted in the small toy store on Purchase Street.
Not anymore. Birthday parties in Westchester have become major events.
You need to invite the entire class ... you need to go all out on presents and of course you have to have a magician. No, you have to have the best magician.
I've been entertaining at parties all over Westchester for that last 3 decades (I started at age 14). Over the years I've seen all sorts of birthday parties. Some are simple and fun; a dozen kids in the backyard or basement. Others are bordering on the obscene. Oh, how I wish I could tell you about a certain hedge fund manager in Rye who hired a circus for his offspring ... and just how obnoxious and crass the whole thing was. But generally, the birthday parties in Rye that I've been hired to perform at are a lot of fun.
Recently I performed my magic show for a wonderful party for the children at Resurrection Grammar School. What a fantastic school ... and what wonderful children. I did a 45 minute magic show for the younger kids (ages 3-6) and it was so much fun. The show included lots of different things, like:
Amazing Magic Tricks
Fun Comedy Juggling
Lots of Audience Participation
Live Bunny Rabbit
Goofy Jokes
Tons of Laughter
If you'd like to book a magician for your child's party, please give me a call at your earliest convenience as my calendar fills up fast. Don't wait and be disappointed - give a call.
I generally recommend that you schedule the magic show to start about 30 minutes after the party start time. This gives everyone enough time to show up and settle in - but not so much time that the kids get antsy. Schedule my show ( which is usually somewhere between 45 minutes and an hour) to end about 30 minutes before the party is over. This way you have time to end the party with food and cake. And you're done!
Sure, birthday parties for kids aren't as easy as they used to be, but when you hire the best magician it sure is a lot more fun.
And who is the best magician?
Well, a recent survey of kindergarten children in Rye said that my show was the "best show ever." Are you going to question that?
photo credit: chicks57 via photopin cc